
5th week of Easter revelations!!

Following a dramatically different Easter experience I am usually used to, decidingly not to journal unless I’ve received a message that is strong and in this case almost blatantly in-my-face again – here I go! It was much needed after a “powerfully-overbearing” week that I only coped with with His grace.

Mass presided by Fr Esmond was beautiful today!

The 2nd reading on Apocalypse came to life for 2 reasons! After completing studying The Book of Revelation, the words in 21:1-5 are so impactful and meaningful knowing that the “new commandment” is “new” in the sense of a brand new way to love 💕proclaimed in the liturgy today.

Secondly, the very moment during the Our Father we sung “For the Kingdom, the glory and the power are yours” an immense bright light blasted through the parish windows directly toward the altar and shiningly lit up the church til the end of the mass. Fr Esmond sung the first part of the Eucharistic prayer in angelic voice, and the Santus prayer came alive again as I imagined the angels next to Jesus praising “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of Hosts……” significant, as again it is in Rev 4:8.

_The first line is the hymn of the seraphim in Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8. The second part is what the crowd cried to Jesus at his triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Mt 21:9), which is modelled after Psalm 118:25_

At the same time a few other good revelations dawned upon me … 🙌

I was so happy and blessed that the water of life of Easter and reminder of our baptism was sprinkled over me 3 times by Fr Esmond. And the communion hymn was “As I have done for you”. Both of these I had missed in previous masses so I was elated to experience this. 3rdly I saw Clare and hubby carrying their newborn in mass and I think I only saw them a week prior pregnant!! For the thanksgiving hymn I turned the hymnal which went to the precise page before “The Joyful Eastertide” no. 180 was even announced!

I am reset once again back to routine after feeling bleah despite a blessed time in the end in Bangkok after many years going on a completely sudden business trip overseas having only being informed to book and fly to it the night before. I travelled 2000+ km to meet a group of 3 lady Christians to stay in touch with in a 95% male dominated conference and one of whom was a fellow Catholic who also owns a dog, stays in the next block in the same condo who also goes to SMOTA!! Praise be to God indeed. In unexpected revelations this Easter.

And here is Fr Esmond’s homily 15/5/19:

Apocalypse often misunderstood and misquoted by Hollywood as book of the future.

Events have already happened and still happening cos of JC.

John’s new vision is not of future but as above. Hard to comprehend world of no death no sadness cos of news and our families.

John was not talking about worldly positive thinking cos that is to convince yourself but to see through the eyes of faith

So must keep focus on God and God alone. To see hope and life. To have grace and courage to move through our hardship. Christian uds of Hope is faithfulness through his promises that he loves us and never leaves us

God has made a home among us – second reading. Even in our hardship that is hope with God in us

Even in death there is hope and life cos God who is faithful cos those who believe in him never see death

And we must See life, cos God with us turns hardship in growth for patience and humility etc.

Don’t run away from hardship thinking it is bad for us

Cross is an opportunity for God’s love to be revealed

Growth in our virtue. Love. Forgiveness . Perseverance

Our rls with God grows too. Cos we need God

Cos of Hollywood we Avoid hardship then we get tired running away from suffering be prepared to run the rest of our life.

Each of us must face hardship in life

Are we superheroes no lah we need God to help us only God can guide us through to grow from hardship

When we allow faith to see hope and life then we have courage to respond with love

See and believe God is faithful. Courage and nothing to fear even in persecution

God gives us a new commandment to love – Not new as in novel But new in the way of loving.

Jesus’ call to love is unconditional and opens us in vulnerability

We take his love for granted but he still loves us

We go beyond our boundaries to set ourselves from the world by the way we love

Even if have been taken advantage of , we risk our life for Jesus cos He will turn these sufferings into blessings.

When we love unconditionally, it is a way to evangelise

The kingdom of God is here and now.

Keep God in us in our hardship. Grow to go through this and help others see this same vision for themselves too.